Block Therapy

What is Block Therapy?

Block Therapy is a brilliant practice that is designed to melt through restrictions in fascia tissue. Pain has been given a bad rap. It’s not the enemy, but a friend here to guide. Sometimes we don’t like the message, however, without it, we would be lost. Pain is a signal that your cells need attention. It is how they communicate that their needs aren’t being met. The body knows what the cells need at any given moment and responds to those calls by sending oxygen and nutrients in the blood. However, if you have a bunch of roadblocks in the way, the nutrients don’t reach the cell, which cause them to scream a little louder.

Block Therapy is designed to undo this negative cycle of compression and re-establish balance and harmony in your body.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the tissue connecting every single one of our 100 trillion cells. In order for cells to be properly aligned, posture and diaphragmatic breathing have to be observed and practiced. Without this, cells begin to migrate away from proper alignment.

As fascia is here to protect you, one of its functions is to keep you upright. As most aren’t conscious of posture or breath, compression occurs from tissue collapsing into the space inside the body. The result is a body off balance. Fascia will grip with a 2000 pound per square inch force to attempt stability, but unfortunately, it also blocks blood and oxygen flow from cells.

The fascia requires a certain temperature for optimal flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells, as well as the removal of waste and toxins from cells. The diaphragm is like the body’s furnace; the upper chest muscles are like a space heater. In order for there to be flow to every cell, the furnace needs to be turned on at all times.

Block Therapy teaches you to melt the blockages through increasing tissue temperature. This occurs through a combination of lying on the tool, the Block Buddy, and turning on the furnace.

The Three Components of Block Therapy

Create Space – Creating space in the body and melting through restrictions in the tissue is important for correcting posture and improving blood and oxygen flow to the cells, keeping them fed and clean.

Inflate Space – Instruction of proper diaphragmatic breathing turns on the internal furnace optimizing the melting of adhesions in the tissue. In fact, diaphragmatic breathing increases oxygenation in tissue up to 6x.

Maintain Space – Understanding how to use your body properly and strengthen correct foundation is crucial to maintaining proper cellular alignment. Block Therapy addresses this to give you a full body program and teaches you how to bring proper posture into daily activity.

About The Diaphragm

The diaphragm is a plate of muscle. It is the ceiling to the abdominal organs and the floor to the heart and lungs. When we are using this muscle to breathe, we are giving all of these organs an internal massage, keeping them heated and allowing blood to freely flow to the cells – keeping them fed and clean.



How Does Improper Breathing Affect Your Body?

When we breathe through the upper chest we collapse into the core and displace the internal organs. When we don’t breathe properly, we become cold in this area, the body ages, and we experience pain and disease as a result. We learn how to release the rib cage, bringing it up into its proper alignment so that we can access proper diaphragmatic breathing and how to properly oxygenate the body as a whole.




Why Is Proper Diaphragmatic Breathing Important?

Before we even get into learning the Block Therapy placements I always start with talking about proper diaphragmatic breathing.

Breathing properly literally changes the physiology of the body. When we breathe diaphragmatically we feed the body 6x more the amount of oxygen than when we breathe through the muscles of the upper chest. Over time, what happens due to pain, fear and stress is that we reactively hold the breathe and then we end up breathing from the muscles of the upper chest.

The result is that the air isn’t pulled deeply enough into the lungs for optimal oxygen absorption. In fact, 70% of the alveoli live at the base of the lungs, so breathing with those secondary muscles creates a very poor exchange rate between oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. This leaves a large percentage of the cells in the body lacking what they require to survive, and leaves the body toxic from an inability to properly remove waste. This creates an environment in the body that is ripe for disease organisms to thrive, and overall health to suffer.

When we don’t breathe fully in this way, (diaphragmatically), the diaphragm becomes weak and the weight of the rib cage causes a collapse of the upper body into the core. This collapse causes the alignment of the diaphragm muscle to be incorrect, leaving it unable to function optimally.  This continues the process of weakening the diaphragm, emphasizing the forward collapse, until the body is fully dependent on the secondary muscles to stay upright – muscles that weren’t designed for this function.

 Diaphragmatic breathing is the answer. 

Again, when we breathe diaphragmatically we feed the body 6x more the amount of oxygen.   The most exciting part of diaphragmatic breathing is you are fully in control of it. No one can take it from you or tax you on it. So, why not give yourself the greatest gift of all and learn how to connect to the breath that has been in you all along. It is yours, if you want it.

Breathe & Believe

Before blocking!
After 30 mins of blocking my left side during the Pelvis and legs class. I have created length and space in my connective tissue, heated my body and increased blood and oxygen flow to all of my cells and tissues.

Why not take healing into your own hands?  Lets begin by placing your body into “rest and repair” with experienced hands.
Reflexology is the first building block to releasing stuck energy and empowering your own body to heal itself.  Reflexology works on the fascia of the feet and opens up your energy pathways.  You will leave with a feeling that your whole body was was treated.

 While you are in between reflexology treatments , your block buddy should turn into  your best friend and personal healing tool.  The block will continue to restore blood and energy flow to all of your cells and tissues.  It will keep your body in this parasympathetic state, improve your posture, release your fascia, and help maintain and elevate your overall health.

 The block is a tool that can be used everyday  in the comfort of your own home.   Once you purchase your block buddy and baby, they will be with you for life.  They are portable, so you can use them everywhere and anywhere you go.  Use them on the floor, on the couch or bed, or when traveling to your camper or overseas.  You can follow the starter videos,  take up a membership on the block therapy website or book one on one time with a certified instructor.  Accountability is the key.

Reflexology and Block therapy are two different modalities.  They compliment each other individually. However, when combined as a routine, they become an effective powerhouse for fascia release.  Pro activity is always the goal!

Discovering Block Therapy was the missing piece of my puzzle. Fearing that I may have to give up my practice due to physical pain and repetitive overuse injury,  I quickly concluded that block therapy  was the pain management system that would give me the everyday tools to manage my physical, mental and emotional health.    My vision is to guide my clients, and other therapists, through their own journey of selfcare.



“I had a lot of trouble with my left knee. For 20 years I couldn’t go up and down stairs, after 3 months on the Block I can go up, down, sideways, whatever.”

~Diane McDougall

“I use it when I am not really well and having a migraine. About a month ago I had a severe migraine, I used the Block and it really helped me. I just felt so much better.”

~ Nicole Fontaine

“I enjoy using that Block at home on my own time, maintaining what the massage therapy has done for me. I no longer have any back pain. I just find it amazing that with the Block you can find pain where you didn’t even realize you had it and break down that fascia. I found it really great and I highly recommend it to anybody.”

~ Joan Jasper

“I have a lot of stress problems with work with my neck and upper back area. Since I have been doing the video, especially the Core poses it has helped me relax and just feel more that I can take on life’s struggles. I highly recommend it.”

~ Lory Dubois



Block Therapy Links

Block Therapy Website

The Starter Package

If you would like to learn more about Block Therapy,
this is a great place to start.

The starter program which includes a block, introductory &
explanatory videos, 9 day full body fascia program,
introductory positions & descriptions, and access to
a 14 day Block Therapy membership trial.

Specific Health Issues

Purchase a Block

Everyone has a specific issue you want to work on?
Explore all the areas that Block Therapy can help!
Looking to buy additional blocks? Send me a message!

Block Therapy Blog

Block Therapy University

Learn about Deanna’s “The Formation of a Chronic Pain Journey”.
“For the month of February, I am going to share my journey through
chronic pain with you. This is the first in this four week series. I am
excited to share my journey into and through chronic pain, to a place
where my body and I are experiencing a level of peace with each other”.

Block Therapy changed my live.   Watch this presentation explaining BTU so YOU can learn more about how to become a Fascia Master™.  


Join in the discussions and be the first to receive
updates from Block Therapy.


 Block Therapy Sampler Program

9 Instructional Videos For Only $9!

Introducing the Block Therapy Sampler Program!

This is a steppingstone for those who want to sample the benefits of Block Therapy, without diving right in.

There are 9 videos for $9.00. The videos range between 8-20 minutes in length, and combine blocking techniques using a rolled-up towel,

as well as strengthening exercises to share the benefits of isometric training and foundation building.

As much as I enjoy and love teaching Block therapy classes, I will be taking a step back for the moment. However, my learning never ends, and I am working on expanding my reflexology practice. My website is an open book for all who are interested in expanding their space.

Thanks for understanding!  March 19/24

Individual or Small Group Classes (two, plus instructor)

As a certified Block Therapy Instructor, I will be teaching individual sessions, or small group classes (two, plus instructor) in my home. Please feel free to contact me,  as these appts can be made by text. ( 204-995-5261).


These class is 75 mins and will be offered during evening hours

These can be purchased by e-transfer ( 

Single class:     $80.00
Three classes: $70.00 ( a purchase of 3 classes together)


 The Block is the ONLY tool you need 


 The Core Class is one of three beginner classes. You will learn about your body, your breathing and your pain. You will be guided through 14 different positions using the block.
Starting with the core, as it is our foundation, we dive into the ribcage and the abdominal, creating space, managing pain, and improving alignment of the upper body.


75 mins: $80.00  in person

                  $70.00 (3 classes)  




The Pelvis and legs class is one of three beginner classes teaching you about your body, your breathing and your pain. You will be guided through 13 different positions using the block
This is a wonderful class for opening up your lower body and getting everything flowing all the way down to your feet. We talk about proper posture and alignment of the lower body, while performing an exercise called “rooting”.


75 mins: $80.00  in person

                  $70.00 (3 classes)





The Head, Neck and Arms class is one of three beginner classes teaching you about body, your breathing and your pain. You will be guided 15 different positions using the block.
In this meditative class, we begin to release the upper body, including the ribcage, the arms, and up into the head and the neck. We talk about proper posture and the tongue muscle.


75 mins: $80.00  in person

                 $70.00 (3 classes) 



10 + 8 =

Book An Appointment

 *Please be advised that I have 2 cats in my household


503 Chelsea Ave
Winnipeg MB, R2K 1A4




Mon-Wed Friday Sat and Sun
9:00-7:30 9:00-3:00 Only by appt.



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(204) 204 995 5261

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