Certified Professional Reflexology Training!

 click here to register:


Participants must be 18 years of age 

No other prerequisites.
(Suggested completion of study would be Foot, Hand and Ear! )


Maximum of 3 students for registration of any course


Certified Professional Foot Reflexology Training


Registration is open for courses below

If these dates do not work, other dates can be arranged with sufficient notice.


2025 Courses



1.  Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Three students registered-Class is full

Dates:  April 18, 19, 20 /2025  
           Fri, Sat & Sun

Time: 9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)


 Practical (in-person)
DatesApril 26 & 27/2025

            Sat & Sun 
Time: 9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included)  


 One student registered- Tho seats available


2. Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Dates:  May 1, 2, 3/2025  
               Thu, Fri &  Sat

Time:   9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)



 Practical (in-person)
DatesMay 8 &  9/2025

              Thurs & Fri
Time:   9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included)  


 Three seats available

3.  Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Dates:  June 6, 7, 8/2025  

           Fri, Sat & Sun

Time: 9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)


 Practical (in-person)
DatesJune 21 & 22/2025

            Sat & Sun 
Time: 9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included)  


Summer Courses upon request

Possible Dates for Intensive Training

July 28, 29, 30, 31, Aug 1st

Mon to Friday

9:30 to 4:00   



Fall Courses


4.  Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Dates:  Sept  12, 13 &14th/2025  

           Fri, Sat & Sun

Time: 9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)


 Practical (in-person)
DatesSept 20 & 212025

            Sat & Sun 
Time: 9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included) 


5.  Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Dates:  Oct 10, 11 &12th/2025  

           Fri, Sat & Sun

Time: 9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)


 Practical (in-person)
DatesOct 18 & 19/2025

            Sat & Sun 
Time: 9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included) 


6.  Core (Theory) (On line-Zoom or in person)

Dates:  Nov 14,15,16/2025  

           Fri, Sat & Sun

Time: 9:30-4:00

Full payment, (see below) or $300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due at time of registration

(Manual will be shipped out at this time.  May take up to two weeks to arrive.  Pick up is an option.  Payment option is available)


 Practical (in-person)
Dates Nov & 23/2025

            Sat & Sun 
Time: 9:30-4:00

 Location: 503 Chelsea Ave

****(Two hour written exam may be completed online or in person)*****

Course Fee:  $2300.00 (subject to change)(GST included) 



Core (Theory)+ Foot Reflexology Certification Course breakdown:

This course combines Core Reflexology (Theory) with Foot Reflexology (Practical hands-on) 

It may be taken for professional certification purposes.
Participants must be 18 years of age (or have completed high school)
No other prerequisites.

This course comes with the following benefits:

  • Teacher availability through texts, email, zoom or phone chat
  • Access to videos and worksheets to move you forward through website student login
  • Feedback and support from other students and reflexologists
  • Monthly emails and zoom chats for support 

( Students can choose to purchase plastic foot/feet for the theory portion of the class.  Teacher has selection of plastic feet for the practical portion of the course) 



Certification involves:
35 hours in class instruction (24 hours in class instruction for Hand Course)

25 hours of home study workbook
100 hours of case study (50 cases at 2 hours each)
3 hours of mandatory review (Prep for practical)
1.5 hours for written exam (80% required)
1.5 hours for practical exam (80% required)



The purpose of this training course is outlined in the following general objectives:

Understand the principles of Reflexology

  • Anatomy & Physiology – gain understanding of the function of the body systems
  • Reflexology chart maps the reflexes on the feet
  • Learn how to stimulate reflexes on the foot for a safe, effective therapeutic treatment
  • Gather all information required to challenge the Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist Board Exam with the Reflexology Association of Canada.



The History and Theory of Reflexology
Covers a historical and theoretical overview and background to Reflexology, the healing crisis and how it affects the client and the healing process, structure and function of the foot, zone and neural pathways of the body and terminology.

Biomechanics of the Foot and Foot Assessment Techniques

  • Covers identification of foot conditions, their origins, assessment of the overall structure of the foot.
  • Completing a Reflexology Case Study
  • Covers the client/therapist interview process, review reasons for completing of a Health Record and documenting a session on a Treatment Record.


Anatomy and Physiology
Covers an introduction and explanation of the anatomy and physiology of the systems in the body, related conditions, and how to locate the reflexes on the foot that correlate to each system.

The systems include:

  • The Nervous System
  • The Endocrine System
  • The Respiratory System
  • The Cardiovascular System
  • The Digestive System
  • The Urinary or Renal System
  • The Immune and Lymphatic Systems
  • The Reproductive Systems
  • The Musculoskeletal System


Key Areas of Emphasis for Specific Conditions in Reflexology
Introduce the student to an explanation and breakdown of each condition and the related systems and reflexes commonly affected within each condition.

RAC Approved Reflexology Method (following national and international standards)
Covers treatment guidelines including providing a healing environment and hygienic practice, what to do before and after a session, a full reflexology procedure including method, pacing and technique.

Business and Financial Information
Covers confidentiality, advertising, professionalism, and what makes a successful clinic.

The practicum time allows the student to practice the routine in a professional manner (as taught in the classroom). The purpose is to develop thorough case studies consisting of a Health Record, Treatment Records, assessment documentation and evaluation for each client. Each student must complete 50 treatments (for a total of 100 practice hours). The practicum should/could include a minimum of 5 clients and a maximum of 10. A maximum of 3 clients with one session each will be accepted.

Students may charge clients for these sessions to start practicing business building skills ($25-$30/session is recommended for students).  **Please note, YOU MUST purchase student liability insurance if you plan to charge a fee for your case studies. **  This can be done by following the RAC website.

Mandatory Review
There is a 2-3 hour mandatory review given by the teacher half-way through the practicum.  The goal is for the teacher and students to come together to review and evaluate the student’s case studies as well as the Reflexology MethodAll students must complete the mandatory review and receive a professional treatment by a RAC- RCRT member (at the rate charged by the member ) before moving forward with practical exam.  (the treatment may be performed by your teacher at her rates)

Additional reviews may be requested by either the student or the teacher for an additional fee if necessary.

  • Home Study and Exam Preparation
    The theoretical exam must be completed within 3 months of the last day of class.
  • The practical component of 50 treatments must be submitted to the examiner at the time of the exam.
  • The practical exam must be completed within one year of the last day of class.
  • Extensions are available for a fee of $75 per extension (three months) payable to the LCRT at the time of the appt. (an extension will only be granted for three months if the student has demonstrated a working year with some completed case studies and some working knowledge)
  •  After one year, the student must make an appt with the teacher.  The teacher, at this time, will determine options for student extension. (payment determined at the time of the appt)
  • Options may include:
  •  1.  A refresher- challenge the written exam (75.00 fee- failed exam (x2) is automatic course redo):  work one on one with student for practical  (payment for each appt.)
  •  2. A refresher – challenge the exam (75.00 fee):  join a structured practical class to gain insight (only with 80% exam )
  • A student has up to 3 years to compete certification.  After such time, a complete redo of the course may/will be required..    



Payment and Refund policy

All registration and course fees are payable to:  Stacie Peters

1. Course fee includes:  Manual, workbook, charts, one mandatory review, one written and one practical exam, and certificate and transcript

2. Registration: Each student is required to register through the online booking system. https://thesolewhisperer.janeapp.com/ Registering on day one registers the student for all (5) five days. The intake form MUST be completed in full, accompanied by full payment or deposit.  ($300.00/non refundable)

3. Methods of payment: Credit Card,  E-transfer and cash. Course fees must be paid in full or deposit at the time of registration.


The student has two options for payment for the course

1.  The online registration gives an option of adding a credit card to your profile.  This can be used for your deposit and/or the full cost. 

     The student also has the option of sending an etranser with registration. CC and etranser can both be used.       https://thesolewhisperer.janeapp.com/  – for cc set up


2.  At the time of registration the full amount or deposit MUST be sent (thesolewhisperer1@gmail.com)  Automatic deposit is in place, but if for some reason this option is not given (usually credit unions) please make your answer to the security question “feet”.  There is always an option for payments, if the full amount is out of reach!  This can be arranged over the phone and documented by email.  

3. Withdrawal: The student MUST confirm by email and by telephone.

4. Refunds: If the student decides to withdraw from the course (15) days before or more before the course starts, a refund will be issued less $200.00 for administration fees, if the full tuition has been paid. If the student decides to withdraw from the course after the course start date, or the student does not attend the course, the LCRT will retain all fees paid. If a student has special circumstances such as a death or illness, the LCRT will give consideration for such times, less $200.00 for admin fees.   Once the course has been completed, no refunds will be considered. NO REFUNDS after the course starts

5. Teacher Withdrawal: If the LCRT needs to withdraw while the course is in progress, every effort will be made to find a replacement teacher, or to re- schedule the course.  The time factor will be discussed between student and teacher.  If the above is not possible, the student will be provided with a refund, or the student may move monies forward to a future class date within one year of the original registration. It is the students responsibility to ensure a new registration is on file. ALL manuals, workbooks, charts and such, will be returned before all refunds will be given within 30 days, unless the course has been rescheduled.

6. Student dismissal: If a student uses abusive or disruptive language, proves to be disruptive to other students or to the class in whole, this student will be given a firm warning.  The second warning will be in writing and reviewed for dismissal.   NO FEES will be returned. 


Certified Professional Hand/Ear Reflexology Training (separate courses)

(Prerequisites:  Must be certified in Foot)

This course runs 3 full days:  Call, text or email if you are looking for training.

Dates will be worked out with interest!  

2 days of theory (online-zoom)  1 full day of practical (in person) 


Certified Professional Hand Reflexology Course Fee:  $892.0 Taxes included (subject to change)

Certified Professional Ear Reflexology Course Fee:    $892.50  taxes included (subject to change)

Course fee includes:
Class instruction, manual, workbook, review, written and practical exams, certification and transcript 


Location of all courses503 Chelsea Ave, East Kildonan  ****(Please be advised that two cats live in this home)****


Further instruction:

  • The student is asked to bring two highlighters to class for study.
  • The student is required to bring his/her own lunch/refreshments.
  • The student should wear comfy clothes and leave all jewelry at home. 



When the course is completed (foot), you will be presented with a certificate and a transcript.   With this, you may practice as a Certified Reflexologist.


Options after Certification:

RCRT (Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist) 

  1. Become a member of the Reflexology Association of Canada .
  2. Submit your certificate and transcripts online to RAC. Once accepted, a digital guide will be sent to study.  You will have up to 6 months to schedule a time with an RCRT examiner to write a timed 90 min open book board exam and perform a timed 90 min practical exam, with a pass of 80% to be approved.
  3. This gives you RCRT status. This means clients that receive a treatment are able to submit their receipts for reimbursement, should their work plan cover reflexology, and many additional perks.
  4. This option is highly recommended and comes with additional fees, which RAC sets.


Advanced Mentoring:

What is advanced mentoring?
Advanced mentoring is student-led, which means, we work together to advance your technique.
There are a few different areas we can explore, but not limited to:

1.  How to use relaxation techniques to your advantage.
2.  How to “work” reflexes differently with your thumbs/hands.
3.  The secrets to long-term clients.
4.  Methods of Self care and how to keep you relevant.

Why advanced mentoring?
Simply, why not? If you want your Reflexology practice to flourish, then why not take advantage of 15 years of experience?  My practice is thriving and I am willing and eager to share my thoughts and techniques.  Why not take your practice to a new level!

Who is advanced mentoring for?
Any certified and/or RCRT students that has been trained by The Sole Whisperer Reflexology Training

When does Advanced mentoring take place?
Whenever you want. All you have to do is buy time. 

You can choose from 90 mins (1 1/2 hours) or 180 mins. (3 hours)


90 minutes time slot (150 $)

If you want to learn a few new skills and practice them
The practitioner would demonstrate the techniques on the foot model to start and then the student would practice the learned skills on the foot model.

190 minutes time slot! (300$)

Learn new skills (first hour), watch a full treatment (second hour) and practice a full treatment on the foot model OR the practitioner (third hour)

Where would this practice take place!

My treatment room, where the magic happens.

Book An Appointment

 *Please be advised that I have 2 cats in my household


503 Chelsea Ave
Winnipeg MB, R2K 1A4




Mon-Wed Friday Sat and Sun
9:00-7:30 9:00-3:00 Only by appt.



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(204) 204 995 5261

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